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Fuck Christmas!

Και κάτι όμορφο για τους Χριστουγεννάκηδες!
Εγώ δεν λέω εδώ και δεκαετίες καλά Χριστούγεννα.
Μόνο καλές γιορτές.

Διαβάστε και Ακούστε δύο (+1) πολύ Aγαπημένα τραγούδια!


ho ho fucking ho by Kevin Bloody Wilson

Ho ho fucking ho,
What a crock o' shit,
We all work for Santa Claus,
We've had enough, we quit.
Cos we do all the fuckin' work while he stars in the show,
Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho.

I'm Rudolph and I quit.
Just who's he think he is?
That little fat cunt sat back in the sleigh,
crackin' that fuckin' whip.

And me stuck up the front, with these other useless cunts,
Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho.

Ho ho fucking ho,
What a crock o' shit,
We all work for Santa Claus,
We've had enough, we quit.
Cos we do all the fuckin' work while he stars in the show,
Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho.

And what about us elves,
we've had enough as well,
workin' in that freezing factory, it's cold as fucking hell,
we work until we drop, with our bollocks freezin' off,
stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho.

Ho ho fucking ho,
What a crock o' shit,
We all work for Santa Claus,
We've had enough, we quit.
Cos we do all the fuckin' work while he stars in the show,
Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho.

I'm Santa Claus' wife,
I know what he's really like,
sneakin' into them little kid's rooms
he's a fuckin' paedophile,
A devious old drunk,
and I'm married to the cunt,
So stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho.

Ho ho fucking ho,
What a crock o' shit,
We all work for Santa Claus,
We've had enough, we quit.
Cos we do all the fuckin' work while he stars in the show,
Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho.
Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho.
Stick yer Christmas up yer arse, ho ho fucking ho.

ho ho fucking ho - Kevin Bloody Wilson


fuck christmas by Eric Idle (1st version)

Fuck Christmas!
It's a waste of fucking time
Fuck Santa!
He's just out to get your dime
Fuck Holly and fuck Ivy
And fuck all that mistletoe

White-bearded big fat bastards
Ringing bells where'er you go
And bloated men in shopping malls
All going ho-ho-ho
It's fucking Christmas time again!

Fuck Christmas!
It's a fucking Disney show
Fuck reindeer
And all that fucking snow
Fuck carols
And fuck Rudolph
And his stupid fucking nose

Fucking sleigh bells tinkling
Everywhere you fucking goes
Fuck stockings and fuck shopping
It just drives us all insane
Go tell the elves
To fuck themselves
It's Christmas time again!

Dear sentimental bastards!

fuck christmas - Eric Idle (from Monty Python)


fuck christmas by Eric Idle (2nd version)

Fuck Christmas
It's a waste of fucking time
Fuck Santa
He's just out to get your dime
Fuck Holly and fuck Ivy
And fuck all that mistletoe
Stupid fucking Christmas songs
Every where you go
White-bearded big fat bastards
All going Ho-Ho-Ho
It's fucking Christmas time again

Fuck Christmas
It's a fucking Disney show
Fuck turkey
And fuck all that fucking snow
Fuck reindeer
And fuck Rudolph
With his stupid fucking nose
Fucking sleigh bells ringing
Everywhere you fucking goes
Fuck stockings and fuck shopping
It just drives us all insane
Go tell the elves
To fuck themselves
It's Christmas time again

fuck christmas - Eric Idle (from Monty Python)


όσοι πιστεύουνε σε Θεούς εν έτη 2022...
...πρόβλημα τους.
 Αλλά και ΜΕΓΑ πρόβλημα ΚΑΙ συνολικότερο ΚΑΙ παγκόσμιο,
οι Θρησκείες, και ο-τ-ι-δ-ή-π-ο-τ-ε τις προσομοιάζει όπως τα Κόμματα και οι Ομάδες.
Το πρόβλημα δηλαδή έχει Βάθος. Είναι Τεράστιο.
Πως αυτός ο Κόσμος να πάει μπροστά στο Φως με τόσο Σκοταδισμό ολούθε;


Και κάτι για το τέλος.
Ένα "δώρο" για ψαγμένους και ψαγμένες.
Από τον Φοίβο Δεληβοριά και τα δικά του (μας) Χριστούγεννα.

Δεν υπάρχουν σχόλια:

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Θα διαγράφονται τα σχόλια που είναι άσχετα με το θέμα των κειμένων των αναρτήσεων μου ή των πηγών τους και έχουν σκοπό να προσβάλλουν τον δημιουργό των κειμένων ή τρίτα πρόσωπα με κακόβουλη και κακοπροαίρετη οπτική διάθεση.
Δεκτά όλα τα καλοπροαίρετα, ευανάγνωστα, κριτικά (έστω κι αν έχουν σκληρή κριτική γλώσσα) και μη υβριστικά σχόλια που σκοπό έχουν να πάνε παραπέρα / παρακάτω τη Σκέψη, να χαιρετίσουν ή απλά να εμπλουτίσουν ποικιλοτρόπως το θέμα του εκάστοτε κειμένου.
Ευχαριστώ για την κατανόηση και το πέρασμα σας από εδώ.